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As families across Houston head back-to-school, HCA’s head-of-school, Melissa Martin, is sharing tips to help parents, caregivers, and students start the year off strong. Keep reading to learn what she has found to be most helpful when helping kids of all ages adjust to the start of a new school year.

• Get a normal sleep schedule established several days before school starts.

• Attend open house to show your child and his/her teacher that you are interested and invested in education.

• Reach out to your child's teachers to build a relationship. A simple introductory email can go a long way to open communication for future questions and concerns. Don't wait until you have concerns or complaints to talk to your child's teacher.

• Regulate devices and cell phone time while replacing it with good literature and family time to promote literacy and the social skills that will benefit their success at school.

• Provide your child with a healthy breakfast that's high in protein and low in sugar to help them regulate glucose. This helps with behavior and attention.

• Create a routine of "highs and lows" where you ask your child about the hardest part of their day and then the best part of their day. My family has a tradition of doing this at dinner time, but it could be during the ride home or another structured time of the day. You'll learn a lot about your child's teacher, classmates, and the activities at school when you ask those questions.

• Remember back to the excitement and anxiety that came with your first days of school when you were a student. Provide reassurance and encouragement, and be sure to celebrate successes with your child.

If you have any additional questions about getting your child ready to head back into the classroom, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can email us here.


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