Cartas de apoyo a HCA
Durante las audiencias de junio de 2022, la Junta de Educación del Estado de Texas realizó un cambio de último momento en el cronograma que provocó que muchas de nuestras familias no pudieran compartir sus historias y testimonios. Estas familias se tomaron un tiempo libre del trabajo, viajaron a Austin y pasaron el día con nosotros en apoyo de la elección de escuela y la educación clásica. Merecen que se compartan sus voces e historias.
Sus historias son importantes, sus palabras tienen un gran impacto y su tiempo es invaluable. Les agradecemos su apoyo en ese entonces y ahora, mientras seguimos adelante para brindar una nueva opción de educación a las familias del noroeste de Houston. Siga leyendo para conocer sus historias.
Alexandra N.
"While I myself am not a parent, I am a proud Latina who benefitted from a liberal arts education..."
Betty H.
"My name is Betty H. and I am here to ask your agency to approve the application of Heritage Classical Academy (HCA)..."
Cara G.
"She left her 7-month-old son at the orphanage, with a note stating her single dream for him- a good education. 1600 miles away, we dreamt of being parents..."
Dr. Richard J.
"Classical education involves introducing the mind to the “great ideas” through the “great books”..."
Allison B.
"I am an attorney in the State of Texas and an English-major. More importantly, I am the grandmother of two young grandsons..."
Blair H.
"I believe we all agree we could use more goodness in the world. And I believe that starts with individuals of character..."
Dahlia D.
"My name is Dahlia Delaise and I’m from San Antonio, Texas. I have had the privilege of sending my kids to a classical charter school and am so grateful for that opportunity..."
Fe Liza B.
"I implore upon your conscience that you grant Superintendent Ortiz the necessary charter to start Heritage Classical Academy..."
Annie S.
"My name is Annie S. I currently reside in zip code 75039 in Dallas, but grew up in the neighborhood in Houston..."
Brenda H.
"When I became dissatisfied with the current public schools in our area, I checked into finding a classical education program and found that there were none..."
Daisy H.
"Mi nombre es Daisy Handal con residencia en la ciudad de Pasadena, TX y originaria de Honduras, CA..."
Gary H.
"While we are not close to where HCA will be located, we would be willing to drive our children there for the type of education that HCA will be offering..."