Together, we can bring a tuition-free, classical education to our community. Show your support for school choice and HCA by signing the below petition, which will be shared as a memorandum of support at our final approval meeting with the State Board of Education.
Mr. Keven Ellis
State Board of Education
1701 N. Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78701
Dear Chairman Ellis:
We, the undersigned, wish to express our support for Heritage Classical Academy, and ask that the State Board of Education vote to approve HCA’s charter application. We represent parents, residents, employers, community leaders, and concerned citizens, and we believe there is a strong demand and a need for a classical school option in northwest Houston.
In a survey conducted by Families Empowered dated August 1, 2019, it was demonstrated that 70% of respondents in northwest Houston feel like they have few or no good school options. That is simply unacceptable, and why we support Heritage Classical Academy’s effort to create a quality school option.
On behalf of our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, friends and neighbors, please grant us the power to choose a quality school that we believe best serves our families and our community. Please approve Heritage Classical Academy.
Thank you for signing the petition. Your information has been received and will be added to the documents of support presented to the Texas Education Agency.